Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (New)
Starting 9/11/2024 at 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM
Event Groups:
• Central Office & State Support Team 11 - Assessment & Instruction
• Central Office & State Support Team 11 - School Improvement

Welcome to Level 1 and 2 of the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines, or CSTAG training. This workshop will prepare you to use the CSTAG model with your school threat assessment team. CSTAG was developed by Dr. Dewey Cornell. The first part of the training, Level 1, covers the foundations of threat assessment and the basics of the CSTAG model. We begin with defining threat assessment and how it should be adapted for use in schools. In the second part of the training, Level 2, you will work with your teams to practice using the CSTAG model on a series of case exercises.
ESC of Central Ohio - 2080 Citygate Drive, Columbus, OH 43219