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The A-B-Cs of Black History

Title graphic displaying blog title and author "The A-B-Cs of Black History" by Heather Lowry.

The 'ABCs of Black History' was created by Heather Lowry. Heather is a social studies teacher at Delaware City's Dempsey Middle School. In addition to serving on the district's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Team, she is also active with the Delaware African American Heritage Council. The project was created to give fellow educators practical curricular ideas that incorporate and affirm Black history and culture, while also providing support for those seeking to implement the projects. 

"My hope is the more educators I can reach with the project, the more learning is happening!" -Heather Lowery

Advocate- Choose any advocate from Black history (equal rights, right to vote, equal treatment/protection, red lining, reparations, right to life, environment, suffragist). Share their biography, accomplishments, and lasting impacts on the community.
Black Panthers- Give the biographical information of the group, the 10 points, community outreach, purpose, chapters, members, ills and successes, famous members.
Cooking- Give a historical view of the foods and cooking practices of the Black community since the start of the United States. You can also choose to select one Black chef and share their culinary journey, transformation, and awards in the restaurant industry.
Divine 9- Present an overview on Black Greek life or in-depth biography on one fraternity/sorority. Be sure to share date/place of the organization's birth, philanthropy, colors, sign, who can join, purpose, collegiate events, alumni events/support, reason for forming, success of Black Greek life, traditions.
Excellence- Share a standout person in any field, profession, area. Share their life journey, successes, challenges, and joy with us.
Farming- Give a presentation on the history of Black farmers in this country. Be sure to cover the entire history, including up to today. Share what Black farmers' importance is in Black history/American history. The history of Black farmers in this country up to today’s needs, what is their importance in Black history/ American history.
Group- Select any group that promotes Black excellence or equality in America. Example groups include the NAACP, UNCF, Jack and Jill, and the Coalition of Black Excellence. Provide the groups biography, wins, struggles, and impact. 
Harlem Renaissance- Choose an individual or area of art, music, poets, dance, fashion, beauty, hangouts, or socialites that played a role during the Harlem Renaissance period and tell us all about them.
Independence- Tell us about Juneteeth--why and when it began and how, why, and where the celebration continues today.

Justice- Select a Sought or Served for any time period and choose a previous or current judicial case to plead for. Be prepared to share how this case created or will create a better future for the Black community.
Kwanzaa- Share the learning, reflection, and celebration of the season.
Leadership- Choose a leader--any leader will do! Tell us the period/movement in which they lived or are currently living in now. Share their personal and professional biography, their platform, successes, changes, and challenges. 
Music- Select a genre, era, or musician and share their impact on the Black sound/music and influence on American music at large.

North Star/ Black owned publication- Help us get to know a black-owned publication. Include the start date (and end data if needed), editor, founders, contributors, advertising companies, focus/purpose of the publication, where/how it's distributed, any changes it's made in society, and news it brought to light.
Organizing for changeSelect any organization, such as BLM, SNIC, Civil Rights Movements, CORE, and the Freedom Riders, and report their era of conception, mission, members, successes, challenges, current work, and any future endeavors.
Photography- Look through the lens of a Black photographer. Share their training, interests, cost of original pieces, focus of their work, and a collection (with critique) of their most celebrated works, and where can we view their work.
Quilts (plaits also)- Share their historical reason for creation, use, tradition, pictures and stories, and museums where we can see examples today.
Religion- Tell us how religion has played a part in the Black American experience. Include music, groups to belong to within the church, positions, and titles of honor/power.
Style- Select a decade or designer and celebrate the fashion, hair styles, make-up, shoes, clothing of the era/designer.
The Big 6- Share the name of each member, share their individual importance/success, the importance/success of the group, time period in which they lives, and purpose.
Universities and Colleges- Select an HBCU and give us it’s biography. Include where is it located, who founded and when, who can apply, what are the advantages of attending an HBCU, degrees that can be earned, and any famous attendees.
Vote- Present the history of voting and Black Americans. Cover from first gaining the right to vote to the White House (representation matters) tell why and how voting matters. Tell us what problems exist with voting, what percentage of American voters are Black, what needs changed for a greater voter turn out, and what “the Black vote” historically means in America.
Writer- Select any Black American writer and give us their biography along with your personal reason for this selection. Answer how you think they give the Black community a voice, genre, age group, intended audience, awards, praise, criticisms.
X- Historical Theater and Cinema- Give a history of Black movies or theater. Select a Black film/play and give the historical importance of the piece, actors, time period (and its celebration or struggles), genre, purpose of piece and its effect on American society (intended and unintended effects).
Youth- Choose any Black youth voice that has been elevate or stood out in history, such as Children's March, Ruby Bridges, Little Rocky 9, Emmett Till, 4 Little Girls, and tell us the when, where, why, how, and include any enduring impacts.
Ze - Nonbinary Voice- Select a Black American member of the LGBTQ+ community and share their experience in their field, struggles, successes (both professional and personal).

You can download a digital copy of this blog by clicking here. Be sure to sign up for our Elevate2Equity newsletter while you're there!