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Now Hiring for Job Positions throughout Central Ohio
The ESC is now hiring for educator positions, including intervention specialists, teaching assistantsand more in schools throughout the Central Ohio region - some of which now include a $1500 hiring incentive. For more information regarding incentive eligibility, please see here.

High School Tech Internship Program

The High School Tech Internship program, a program of the Governor's Office of Workforce Transformation, reimburses Ohio employers for hosting high school interns in technology-focused roles. The goal of the High School Tech Internship program is to provide businesses with the tech talent they need while also providing students with valuable work experience at an early age.

Interns will be expected to perform job duties similar to what is expected of an entry-level employee in technology roles that focus on software development, data, cloud and IT infrastructure, cybersecurity, broadband/5G, advanced mobility, and other in-demand technology-focused roles.

Program Guidelines

Program Timeline:
  • Internships are eligible to be completed between January 2, 2025, and September 30, 2025.
  • Internship placements must be finalized and applied for through a regional intermediary by June
    13, 2025.
  • Employers will work with their regional intermediary to submit reimbursement documentation to
    the Ohio Department of Development by October 31, 2025.
  • Interested employers and students will apply for the program through their regional intermediary organization before the deadline of June 13, 2025.
  • Interested students or schools assisting students should reach out to their regional intermediary
    for assistance applying.
  • Employers will be required to submit information such as Employer Name, Employer Address,
    Employer County, intern hourly wage, and other information which may be requested by the
    Ohio Department of Development for the application.
  • Student information will be required to be collected by the employer and intermediary such as
    Student First and Last Name, Student School District, School District County, and Student SSID
    (Statewide Student Identifier).
Eligible Employers:
  • Private Businesses in Ohio
  • Non-Profit Entities in Ohio
  • Educational Entities (District, Career-Technical Planning District, Educational Service Center, Higher Education Institutions) in Ohio
  • Local and County Governments in Ohio
  • Employer must have a non-residential address unless approved by the Department of Development
Eligible Students:
  • Ohio high school students who will be 19 years of age or younger on the start date of their internship.
    • Students graduating in the Spring of 2025 are eligible.
Eligible Roles:
  • Interns will be expected to perform job duties similar to what is expected in an entry-level role.
  • Roles focusing on artificial intelligence, software development, data, IT infrastructure, cybersecurity, broadband/5G, and other in-demand technology-focused roles are eligible.
  • Interns must be hired as a W-2 employee.
Wage Reimbursement:
  • To qualify for wage reimbursement, employers must submit supporting documentation to their regional intermediary after the conclusion of the internship, proving the student was employed for a minimum of 120 hours and was paid at least $12 per hour as a W2 employee.
  • Supporting documentation (such as a payroll report, pay stub, timesheet, etc.) is required to show the employer name, intern name, hours worked, dates, payroll tax withholding, and amount paid (gross and net).
  • Wage reimbursement will occur at a seventy-five percent rate provided an intern is documented to work, at minimum, 120 hours. The maximum reimbursement is $5,000 per student.

For Students/Families

Internship Opportunities

AI Project High School Internship | Emergency Plumbing Heating Air

Human Resources Technology High School Internship | Emergency Plumbing Heating Air

Press Operator | Engineered Plastics Components, Inc.
The ESC, in partnership with BridgED, is serving as an intermediary to allow the program to be administered in a seamless fashion between the State of Ohio, educational entities, and businesses. Serving as the single point of contact for businesses and educational entities will allow the needs of both to be supported by the intermediary throughout the entirety of the internship process.

Contact Us

For more information, please contact [email protected].