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Now Hiring for Job Positions throughout Central Ohio
The ESC is now hiring for educator positions including intervention specialists, teaching assistants and more in schools throughout the Central Ohio region - some of which now include a $1500 hiring incentive. For more information regarding incentive eligibility, please see here.

Pathway Development & College Credit Plus

The ESC provides technical assistance to support districts, schools, and their partners in developing pathways that integrate rigorous academics to meet college-ready standards with sequenced, high-quality career-technical education, College Credit Plus courses, work-based learning, and additional supports to help students stay on track. 

College Credit Plus

The ESC supports districts and schools by working with higher education partners to integrate College Credit Plus (CCP) coursework into pathway development, assisting educators to become credentialed to teach CCP courses, and planning regional CCP informational nights for students and parents. 

  • Tools for Administrators
    Rules/regulations regarding College Credit Plus (CCP) as well as information on regional CCP events.
    Learn More >

Industry Recognized Credentials

The process of earning an industry-recognized credential allows students to experience education through work, about work, and for work. Students learn more deeply by practicing and applying their knowledge through work and employment experiences – learning through work. They learn about workplace expectations in terms of professional skills needed for employment, as well as learning about career pathways and what the labor market for particular occupations looks like – learning about work. They also learn job-specific skills they will need to perform day-to-day tasks – learning for work.  The ESC provides technical assistance for districts and schools to integrate industry-recognized credentials into new or existing coursework and pathways and to develop senior-only credentialing programs. 

  • ODE Recognized Industry Credentials
    View the List >
  • Developing Senior Only Credentialing Programs
    This presentation shares how one career center developed senior-only credentialing programs.
    Download >
  • Industry Credentialing Guide
    This resource was developed to help you plan your own implementation.
    View >

Work-Based Learning

  • Work-Based Learning (WBL) Continuum
    Utilize this resource to help you plan WBL experiences for your students to ensure they are learning about work, learning through work and learning for work.
    Download >
  • Making WBL Work
    This resource describes effective strategies for integrating WBL into student experiences.
    Download >

Contact Us

For more information on these supports and more, please contact [email protected].