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Open Job Interview Days at the ESC
Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of students? 
Join us on March 26, April 11 or May 7 for open job interviews. We’re hiring intervention specialists and related services professionals across the Central Ohio region. 

MTSS | Behavior Skill Development

See how the ESC can support your behavior skill development needs.

Contact Us

For more information, please contact [email protected].

Data Collection & Application

Improve understanding of data as a decision-making tool. Explore the data available and learn how to show what is already working or improve in trouble areas.

Develop & Refine MTSS Tiers

Develop and refine MTSS Tiers 1-3, roles, targeted and intensive interventions, and progress monitoring.

Functional Behavior Assessment & Intervention Plans

Leading school-based teams through the functional behavior assessment (FBA). Connecting behavior function to positive behavior planning allowing for effective Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP).

Motivation & Reinforcer Assessments

Use preference assessments and student motivations to reward prosocial growth. Make your interactions more rewarding for students.

PBIS Alignment

Implement a framework for maximizing the selection and use of evidence-based prevention and intervention practices along a multi-tiered continuum that supports the academic, social, emotional, and behavioral competence of all students.

Student Outcome Planning

Review what you should consider when planning for the future of your students. Access tools that determine a student's readiness for the world.

Understanding Principles of Behavior & Classroom Management

Understand the basic principles of behavior, including the four-term contingency.