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Now Hiring for Job Positions throughout Central Ohio
The ESC is now hiring for educator positions including intervention specialists, teaching assistants and more in schools throughout the Central Ohio region - some of which now include a $1500 hiring incentive. For more information regarding incentive eligibility, please see here.

Learning Options for Extended School Closure

Need support now? See how the ESC can help here.

Remote Learning Alliance

The Remote Learning Alliance is a group of educational organizations committed to the collective impact of helping make the transition to remote learning as easy and robust as possible for Ohio school leaders, teachers, and support personnel. 

Virtual Meeting Platforms

COVID-19 Cellular Data & Hotspot Initiatives - ESC of Central Ohio 

District Considerations for Protecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) While Working Remotely - ESC of Cnetral Ohio

Tips and Tricks: Teachers Educating on Zoom - Zoom

Great Tech Tools for Teachers - Teachers' Curriculum Institute 

There are a variety of virtual meeting products available to school districts and other educational entities. Most of these applications perform similar functions. Features may include video conferencing, phone conferencing, text-based chat, and screen sharing. Specific functions, participant caps, technical requirements and pricing vary.

If your district or agency has not yet formally adopted a virtual meeting application, or is interested in evaluating alternatives, you may wish to consider some of the more popular options provided the table below.

See notes from March 6, 2020, Learning Options for Extended School Closure meeting here

Product Name


Product Features*

Video Conference Participant Cap*

Text-based Chat Participants (Up to Conference Cap)

Plans and Pricing**



Hangouts Features



Free (G Suite for Education)

Hangouts Meet


Hangouts Meet Features



Temporarily Free (COVID-19)



GoToMeeting Features

150 or 250


GoToMeeting Plans



GoToWebinar Features

100 or 3000


GoToWebinar Plans

MS Teams (Meetings)


Microsoft Teams Features



Office 365 Education Plans

Webex (Meeting)


Webex Features

50 or 200


Webex Plans

Zoom (Meeting)

Zoom Video Communications

Zoom Features

100, 300, or 1000


Zoom Plans

*Features and participant caps will vary depending on plan purchased, meeting configuration, and technical limitations.

**Pricing linked to here is the default pricing for virtual meeting applications published on the company websites. Education pricing may differ.


Student Privacy

Some of the products listed above allow users to post or share documents, and/or record transcripts, audio, and video. Schools are encouraged to review applicable district policies and privacy law as part of any implementation. Formal testing and staff training with new applications are strongly recommended in order to help reduce barriers to implementation and mitigate the risk of unintended violations of student privacy law.

Online Learning Resources

English Learners

Enrichment Activities for Children - Provided by OSU College of Education and Human Ecology

  • 150+ Enrichment Activities for Children While Parents are Working Remotely

Home Learning Slidesbook for Teachers - Discovery Bay International School

  • A collection of tools, sites and resources that can support home learning for whatever reason inluding closure.


  •  Ohio's PreK to 12 digital library.

JASON Learning Online Learning STEM Curricula

  • JASON is offering any district facing closures due to effects of COVID-19 free online access to their digital platform and STEM curricula through the end of April. 

Learn at Home - Scholastic

  • Even when schools are closed, you can keep the learning going with these special cross-curricular journeys. Every day includes four separate learning experiences, each built around a thrilling, meaningful story or video. Kids can do them on their own, with their families, or with their teachers. Just find your grade level and let the learning begin!

Newsela Remote Learning 

  •  Getting started toolkit for remote learning

Online Courses - WOSU

  • Each course takes approximately five hours and the content is aligned to state and national standards. Every course includes examples of classroom integration, and provide voice and choice for all participants.

Online Teaching and Learning Support - Ohio Ed Techs 

  • Having to move to an online teaching model quickly can be overwhelming. The Ohio Ed Techs have a collection of videos for educators to access to support this new model.

Quick Guide for Online Synchronous Learning - ESC of Central Ohio/Marcy Raymond

  • Includes getting ready, first meeting, each meeting subsequent, weekly 

PBS Learning Media - WOSU/PBS

  • WOSU and PBS have curated free, standards-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans, and more for teachers.

Resources for Teaching Online Due to School Closures - The EduBlogger 

  • Our guide will give you insights into how educators around the world are approaching school closures, Thousands of teachers worldwide are currently sharing snippets of their experiences via social media or their blogs, We've compiled, curated, and built on some common themes and ideas to create this extensive guide.  

School Closure Planning Document - Learning Technology Center of Illinois

  • A planning document prior to closure 

Supporting Learning at Home: A 5-Step Remote Learning Planning Guide for District Leaders - Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center

  •  This one page guide contains five steps and accompanying examples that will help your district

Teaching Remotely in Times of Need - University of Massachusetts Amherst

  • These slides were designed to provide you with a collection of tools and strategies for teaching remotely/online. 

Video in the Classroom - WOSU

  • Over the years WOSU has produced timeless, educational lesson plans you can use in your classroom. For many of these lessons and guides there are supplemental PDF’s, lesson plans and assessment tools.