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Now Hiring for Job Positions throughout Central Ohio
The ESC is now hiring for educator positions including intervention specialists, teaching assistants and more in schools throughout the Central Ohio region - some of which now include a $1500 hiring incentive. For more information regarding incentive eligibility, please see here.

Summer 2024 Learning Opportunities

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Punished for Dreaming Virtual Book Chat | May 20 - June 7
In her groundbreaking new book award-winning educator Dr. Bettina Love serves up a blistering account of four decades of educational reform through the lens of people who lived it. In Punished for Dreaming (2023), Dr. Love examines the legacy of educational inequity ushered in by decades-old discriminatory policy-making. She explores how specific policies have exacerbated various forms of structural oppression that disproportionately harm Black children, and create the conditions for contemporary book bans and opposition to diversity, equity & inclusion work. 

Join K-12 educators interested in understanding how this historical context shapes the current educational landscape in this asynchronous book study, which will conclude with a keynote and exclusive conversation with Dr. Love herself! The book study can be taken for contact hours or Ashland University graduate credit. Learn more and register here

Keynote Session: Punished for Dreaming Author Chat | June 12
Join K-12 educators interested in understanding how this historical context shapes the current educational landscape in this asynchronous book study, which will conclude with a keynote and exclusive conversation with Dr. Love herself! The book study can be taken for contact hours or Ashland University graduate credit. Register here.

Summer Literacy Institute: Finding Voices of Forgotten Children | June 11
Donte Woods-Spikes is an author, documentarian, and professional speaker from Columbus, OH. His book, “So. Long. Unfinished Good-byes with the Children of COVID-19” explores his experience as a Black male educator, as well the realities that children face in public schools of the inner-city. Register for Donte’s session: Finding Voices of Forgotten Children here

Summer Literacy Institute: Financial Literacy Chat | June 11
Robert Culpepper was born in Detroit, MI and raised in Northwest OH. After years in the financial services industry, Robert authored “The Adventures of Bonnie Saves-A-Lot.” Register for Robert’s Financial Literacy session here.

English Learners

EL Summer Institute | June 7
Join our EL Team for a day of learning with Emily Francis, a nationally recognized English as a Second Language teacher at Concord High School in Concord, North Carolina. She serves students at various English proficiency levels. Emily is originally from Guatemala and her experience as an English Language Learner inspired her to become an EL teacher. This affords her a deep understanding of the challenges her students must overcome to succeed. Emily earned a BA in Spanish and a MAT in TESOL from UNC-Charlotte. She serves as a professional development facilitator, motivational and keynote speaker. Emily is part of UNC-Charlotte College of Education's Advisory Board. Emily served as a teacher liaison to the Cabarrus County Board of Education as a district Teacher of the Year in 2016. Emily is the author of If You Only Knew: Letters from an Immigrant Teacher. Coffee, water and a box lunch are provided. Register here.

EL Breakout Sessions – Summer Literacy Institute | June 11
Hear from Valentina Gonzalez, a longtime educator serving emergent bilingual students and their families from around the globe. Her personal experience as an immigrant from Yugoslavia and language learner fuel her desire to advocate for multilingual children and support teachers with the best research-based teaching methods.
  • 10 a.m.: Literacy Practices that Embrace Multilingual Learners | Register here
  • 11:15 a.m.: 23 Things Educators Can Do NOW to Support Multilingual Learners | Register here 
  • 2:30 p.m.: Language, Culture, & Literacy: Supporting Multilingual Learners | Register here
Learn from Stella Villalba, a Teacher Leader and Staff Developer who coaches educators for Global Education grounded in multilingualism and culturally inclusive pedagogy. Raised in a bilingual household, Stella sees multilingualism as a superpower. 
  • 10 a.m.: Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining Literacies Pedagogies with Multilingual Learners | Register here
  • 2:30 p.m.: Conferring with Multilingual Learners: Honoring Language, Culture and Knowledge | Register here 

Gifted Instruction & Supports

Summer Gifted Institute | June 3 & 4
Join us on June 3 & 4 for the 2024 Gifted Institute featuring Emily Kircher-Morris, host of the Neurodiversity Podcast. Topics presented will include support for underserved populations and talent development within your district and schools. This PD will also meet the required annual 15 hours of gifted PD for staff who provide district gifted services and for those needing additional gifted PD hours.

Instructional Technology

LETS GO-OH Summer Symposium | June 5
LETSGO-OH created the Summer Symposium in 2019 to bring together educators and district staff using Apple devices in K-12 school districts. Designed for teachers, instructional and technology coaches, and technical support staff, the symposium provides an opportunity for attendees to engage in hands-on learning, collaborate, and network with other Apple users. Attendees will leave the event with proven strategies for integrating Apple-based technology in instruction. Click here to learn more and register. 

Leadership Development

Summer Institute for Authentic Learning & Leadership | July 23 & 24
Partnerships for Authentic Learning and Leadership, dedicated to “making learning irresistible,” will host the 2024 Summer Institute on July 23-24 at Upper Arlington High School in Columbus, Ohio. Over 500 educators from across the state will gather for two days of inspiration, learning, and collaboration. 
We hope you will choose to attend (or bring a team) to this uplifting conference. Prepare to:
Reimagine education . . . Reconnect with the joy of teaching . . . Empower students to change the world!

Literacy Institute

Summer Literacy Institute | June 11 
Join Central Ohio educators on June 11 for a full day of intentional literacy conversations and reflections. National experts and keynote speakers Zaretta Hammond and American Cartoonist Jamar Nicholas lead our collaborative learning on Cultivating a Love of Learning. Along with literacy-related topics across the reading rope, new sessions will focus on literacy in art, equity and early childhood--in partnership with SproutFive. Learn more and register here


SIOP for Educators | May 29 & 30

SIOP for Educators is a 2 day training of The SIOP Model. SIOP is a research-based and validated model of sheltered instruction that has been widely and successfully used across the U.S. for over 15 years. Professional development in the SIOP Model helps teachers plan and deliver lessons that allow English learners to acquire academic knowledge as they develop English language proficiency. Please register by May 20, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

LETRS for Administrators | May 8 - September 24
LETRS® for Administrators is a professional learning opportunity designed specifically for school leadership, coaches, principals, and district administrators. The course defines the systems and infrastructures required to successfully implement a literacy initiative aligned to scientifically based research. Built from the research in implementation science and sustainability, school improvement, and shared leadership, the course provides numerous tools - including an analysis of the current systems required for improved literacy outcomes - for guiding an implementation through various stages. 

The course is designed to support leaders in creating a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) and structures to improve overall literacy instruction. Participants will receive a manual and have access to a learning platform, where they can engage in five units of study. Register here

Intro to Orton-Gillingham Approach | Teaching Literacy Skills to Students with Dyslexia (Cohort 1) | June 3 - 14
The Orton-Gillingham approach is a structured, systematic, multisensory, and diagnostic-prescriptive approach for teaching language skills (including reading, spelling, and handwriting) to students with dyslexia. 

This 10-day course (June 3 - June 14) will prepare educators to implement high-quality reading instruction that aligns with reading science successfully. Course topics will include the characteristics and needs of students with dyslexia, the critical structures of English that must be addressed by instruction, and the design, implementation, and evaluation of effective individual lesson plans. 

This 60-hour introductory course will introduce participants to the basics of the Orton-Gillingham approach. Completing this course and a supervised practicum (to be contracted individually with instructors, cost not included) prepares participants for the associate level of the Orton-Gillingham Academy application process for certification. Click here to register. **This training is for Member/Client Districts only.**

Intro to Orton-Gillingham Approach | Teaching Literacy Skills to Students with Dyslexia (Cohort 2) June 17, 18, 24-28 & July 1
Repeated session for Cohort 2, Intro to Orton-Gillingham Approach. The Orton-Gillingham approach is a structured, systematic, multisensory, and diagnostic-prescriptive approach for teaching language skills (including reading, spelling, and handwriting) to students with dyslexia. Register here. **This training is for Member/Client Districts only.**

Math Support

Figuring Out Fluency in Mathematics Beyond Facts and Algorithms | June 17
Participants will articulate the big ideas about what fluency is and how it is realized for our students through instruction, practice, and assessment, identify the significant strategies for adding, subtracting multiplying and dividing whole numbers, fractions, and decimals, determine essential foundational skills for computational strategies and how to both reteach and reinforce them through instruction and intervention, and acquire a collection of ready-to-use classroom resources. Featured speaker, John SanGiovanni is a best-selling author and nationally recognized leader in mathematics education. He works as a mathematics coordinator in Howard County, Maryland leading curriculum development, professional learning, assessment, and intervention. John is passionate about developing mathematics specialists and teacher leaders in his district and at McDaniel College. He also works as an international consultant providing professional learning for mathematics content, pedagogy, and curriculum design. Learn more and register here.

Mental Health Supports

Mental Health Resource Fair | July 31
Connect, grow, & learn at the ESC of Central Ohio's 2nd Annual Mental Health Resource Fair! Meet & greet with more than 40 community based and private mental health providers to explore services and partnerships. Gain useful information and resources to support whole child wellness like SEL, basic needs, & more. Take part in useful and relevant professional learning sessions offered throughout the day.**CEU's offered for sessions, FREE yoga, therapy animals, and massage services offered during the event. The event is for area superintendents, school leaders, school social workers, school counselors, nurses, family liaisons, community organizations & agencies and more looking to strengthen and deepen mental health wellness supports for youth, families and staff. here will be food trucks onsite too! Please email questions and requests Neeley Keys at [email protected] Learn more & register here!

Paraprofessional Testing

ParaPro Assessment Testing | June 7
This testing is for prospective and practicing paraprofessionals. The test will be taken on a computer. Testing time is 2 1/2 hours. The test consists of 90 multiple choice questions in reading, mathematics and writing. The cost is a non-refundable fee of $75. This must be paid before testing. Note: if you have two years of college you do not need to take the exam

Professional Development

Introduction to Restorative Practices | June 13
The Restorative Practices session will provide the participants with practical approaches designed to increase adult/student relationships, connection, safety, and opportunities for success and learning. This framework and active practice will include an overview of Restorative Practices and alignment to school/classroom universal expectations using intentional and explicit practice. Additional areas to be covered will include:

•The Restorative Practices Continuum

•The Social Discipline Window,

•Introduction to Restorative Circles

The organizational shift from the "To” and "For” to the "With.” Teams are encouraged to attend the all-day session as an introduction to the framework. Opportunities for more targeted coaching and support will be offered as follow-up and collaboration with the ESC- Specialized -on-Site Support Team (SOS Team) By registering for any ESC of Central Ohio virtual or in-person events, you will be automatically subscribed to our professional development monthly email or any other emails that are relevant to your position. Learn more and register here.

Threat Assessment Training

Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (New) | August 12
Welcome to Level 1 and 2 of the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines, or CSTAG training. This workshop will prepare you to use the CSTAG model with your school threat assessment team. CSTAG was developed by Dr. Dewey Cornell. The first part of the training, Level 1, covers the foundations of threat assessment and the basics of the CSTAG model. We begin with defining threat assessment and how it should be adapted for use in schools. In the second part of the training, Level 2, you will work with your teams to practice using the CSTAG model on a series of case exercises.

Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (Refresher) | August 13
Welcome to our workshop on the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG) Refresher, a workshop specifically for CSTAG team members who have completed the initial training. Dr. Cornell designed this workshop based on the input of many CSTAG trainers and teams. We will cover a variety of questions and problems that have come up in CSTAG practice. Some of this information will be a refresher for you, but there are key points in each module that should be helpful to improve your team functioning. We also have information intended to address controversies and misconceptions in the field.

Special Education Training

STACK Institute | June 10 - 14 or June 24 - 28

The ESC has developed a free, comprehensive, interactive training designed to instruct professionals to enhance their ability to plan for and serve students with autism spectrum disorders. The workshop topics include characteristics of individuals with autism, structured teaching fundamentals, classroom design and management, work systems, visual supports, student schedules, strategies for effectively using classroom staff, and observation of our student STACK summer program. There will also be Ashland credit available. Separate fees apply. This training is intended for intervention specialists and related service staff directly serving special education students. There will be a 30-minute lunch break. All participants will need to bring their own lunch or have lunch delivered. 



Project Innovation | Cardboard, Circuits, and Code | June 20 & 21
In this two-day course, participants will work through the design process to create physical products from cardboard. Ozobots, Makey Makey, and the Hummingbird kits will then be used to incorporate codable functionality into these cardboard creations. After the in-person session, participants will reflect on the two days, create and implement a lesson, then share their successes and struggles in a virtual gallery walk. Participants will receive the following equipment after the conclusion of the in-person portion. 2 Makey Makey Classics 2 Craft and Code Booster Kits 1 Ozobot Evo Entry Kit, 1 Ozobot Crawler 1 Hummingbird Bit Premium Kit. 

Workforce Readiness

Educator Workforce Bootcamp | June 3-6 & 14 

In partnership with the Columbus Chamber of Commerce and Columbus Chamber Foundation, the ESC offers an Educator Workforce Boot Camp. Educators, K-12, will gain knowledge about career pathways directly from local industry leaders in the fields of construction, modern manufacturing, information technology, healthcare and looking to expand into other industry sectors. Click here for more information. Click here to register.